Monday, November 2, 2009


When I moved here 8.5 years ago there was no sign of Halloween.  I was under the impression that the average Dutch didn't even know what Halloween was.

Like any kid I LOVED HALLOWEEN!!  Dress up plus FREE candy - doesn't get better than that!!

About 5-6 years ago I started to see different Halloween articles appear in stores - no bags of candies, just decoration pieces.  This brought HOPE to my eyes.  Right away I started spamming my neighbourhood with flyers organizing a trick or treat evening "for the kids" of course.  I was really worried that this wouldn't be a success - the Dutch are familiar and some do celebrate St. Martins day on November 11th.  In short, kids go door to door singing with a lantern to receive candy (dress up not necessary).  Unfortunately, I have never had any kids come singing at my door.  Back to the organizing Halloween... The first year turned out to be a HUGE success and every year since has been hit or miss but still we have pulled through.  This year was also a really good year (I even found a real bag of "Halloween candy" in the stores).  This year the media have made it known that Halloween is now becoming a big celebration in Holland and expected to only grow bigger in years to come - I am so excited!!!


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